Junhoh Ha
Tell me about yourself.
I'm Joonho. I'm Korean and I run my own business called HIKER WORKSHOP. This is where I make backpacks and other outdoor gear.
What is your work history? What made you interested in making outdoor gear?
I love hiking. I was attracted to light weight hiking and using a smaller backpack. After repairing my own backpack and reforming my friends' backpacks, I started thinking about making my own backpack.
Did you always want to be a designer, maker, and entrepreneur?
I was unsure of what I wanted to do when I was young, but I thought about possibly running a workshop. When I was in university, I majored in fashion. After that, I further studied pattern design and worked as a pattern maker for outdoor brands for 10 years. I then prepared to start a workshop for four years while I was still working for these brands.
In February of this year, I moved my studio to form a formal workshop. Previously, I was just using a room in my home.
While I am a pattern maker, I have mastered Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and photography techniques to make my dreams come true. And now I'm learning English on my own, because there are many inquiries and interest in my backpacks from abroad. My hope is to explain my products to overseas hikers who want to use my product.
I bought the missing pack in the middle, it truly has craftsman quality!
How has your education played a role in your current business? Have you learned more from university or from experience?
Whether it's from a university or another form of education, I think it's just a means for self-realization. Education only needs to play a role in that it allows individuals to explore the future. I find it hard to say that what I have learned in an educational institution has affected my business, because I have mostly taught myself. I have made my own way, and I had to. There is no where that I can go to learn how to make a backpack. If there is something you want desperately, there is no obstacle. I think education should play a role in finding that. What I learned in university is not appropriate and sufficient for use in a company.
What have you learned the most from starting your own business?
I came to the conclusion that ultralight hiking doesn't require a lot of possessions. It has changed a lot in my life. I live a minimal life. Inner peace has come by letting go of the complaints of not having more. The process of reducing things and finding myself is a business for me. My life is melted in my product. It's like this If you look at handwriting, you can see the person's character. Life is business and I think it can have an affect on more people.
Has hiking always been a passion? Where did your love of the outdoors come from?
If you look at art work, you can feel the artist's inclination or character. Nature is God's work, so you can feel God when you are there. That's why I like hiking. And I think that the is reason why many people like nature and enjoy outdoors activities.
Anything else you would like the world to know about you?
I'm trying to make a good product rather than a lot of it. If you already have a lot of backpacks, then you don't need to buy my backpack. If you still want to buy one, please visit my workshop. Thanks.
Want to know more about Junhoh, Hiker Worshop, and his gear?
Visit his website here or follow him on Instagram. Junhoh ships worldwide.